I began the series “Modern David” as a photographic documentation of people named David. This series is to be viewed as a collection, not any one image or individual but instead as a whole. “Modern David” explores if there is a common thread, aesthetically or otherwise, between participants other than name.
By photographing each participant with normal identity cues such as clothing and accessories removed in the same lighting situation, same pose, same background allows viewers to examine each David in relation to the others.
With modern media skewing the perception of reality and beauty, “Modern David” celebrates real people in a static and straightforward way. Historical ideals and individual perception of any viewer are challenged by the series providing images of every willing participant, added together to form a sum of representation of modern individuals and real beauty.
Sociology and methodology of participants shapes the ultimate outcome of the “Modern David” project. All Davids (to date) have been self selected and sourced through personal referrals and social media. Strategy to expand diversity of participants may yield different outcomes, to be explored during the duration of the project. As unique individuals who have existed in society with one of the most common US names, many participants agreed to be photographed as an individual quest for documentation or validation of self. The portrait session serves as a forced self experience, an opportunity to find calm and comfort in discomfort, an experience of the present and static documentation of current self. The participants exhibit willingness to display oneself and potentially be judged with lack of control of outcome of the project.
Upcoming shows
Coming soon!
Contact Mariah Karson with opportunities.
Publications and awards
Searching for Modern David
Jessi Virtusio, Daily Southtown
March 31, 2017
After Michelangelo
David Hammond, Newcity Art
February 23, 2017
La Cause du Desir 95, cover image
French Revue of Psychoanalysis
spring 2017
Freeport Museum Offers Different Takes On Masculinity
Guy Stephens, Northern Public Radio
June 8, 2016
Freeport Art Museum Unveils a Topical Exhibit on Masculinity
Jane Lethlean, Journal Standard
May 21, 2016
Lucie Foundation Photo Made Emerging Scholarship
2015 shortlisted
High Concept Labs Sponsored Artist
Past shows
Mint Museum Uptown
500 S Tryon St, Charlotte, NC 28202
Show runs June 16 - July 21, 2017
Opening Reception June 16, 7-10pm
The following Davids were included in the Gendered exhibition:
David R. Nelson, David Greene, David Cady Jr., David Arts, David Orlikoff, David Fink, David Robbins, David Gebhart, David Pertuz, David Burke, David Nakamura, David Jordano, David Hammond, David Sanchez, David Quinlan, David M. Lane, David Barsotti, David Lopez, David King, David Sikora, David Yurgil, David Tolliver Jr., David Stephens, David Krofta Jr.
Chicago Cultural Center
The Subject is Chicago: People, Places, Possibilities
4th Floor Exhibition Hall
78 E Washington St, Chicago
February 11 - April 9, 2017
David Meetup Saturday, February 25 10:30am - 11:30am
Photos from Meetup by Ashley LeTorneau
The following Davids were included in the Cultural Center show:
David R. Nelson, David Nakamura, David Orlikoff, David Valentine, David Gebhart, David Rustile, David Robbins, David Fink, David Cady Jr., David King, David Hammond, David Quinlan, David Yurgil, David Krofta, David Stephens, David Burke, David Matthews, David Jordano, David Barsotti, David Arts, David Sanchez, David Skalski, David Tolliver, David Pertuz, David Lane, David Echeverry, David Willhelm, David Jude Greene, David Bermingham, David Tennenbaum.
Robert F. DeCaprio Gallery
Moraine Valley Community College
9000 W College Pkwy
Palos Hills, IL
March 26 - April 25, 2017
Artist Reception Sunday, March 26 1-3pm , Artist talk at 1:15pm
The following Davids were included in the MVCC show:
David Badesch, David Coleman, David Greene, David Hughes, David Sutton, David Papadopolous, David Kravitz, David Clough, David Burke, David Dickson, David Lopez, David Arts, David Quinlan, David Yurgil, David Obermeyer, David Mattfield, David Desimone, David Santiago, David Sorich, David Fisher, David Sikora, David Skvarla, David Robbins, David Guido.
Freeport Art Museum, Freeport, IL
Curated by Exhibition Projects
May 27 - August 6, 2016
The following Davids were included in the Masculinity show:
David R. Nelson, David Orlikoff, David King, David Valentine, David Arts, David Fink, David Greene, David Cady Jr., David Hammond, David Gebhart, David Stephens, David Krofta Jr., David Sutton, David Yurgil, David Burke, David Matthews, David Skalski, David Sanchez, David Robbins, David Barsotti, David Tolliver Jr., David Quinlan.
About the artist
I am a Chicago-based artist and freelance photographer. I studied photography and printmaking at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and my work has been published in Le Nouvel Observateur (France), The Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago Reader, Brooklyn Vegan, Red Eye, and The Guardian (UK). I strive to capture my clients needs with honesty and clarity to provide memorable images that tell compelling stories.
Starting February 11, 2017, 30 images from Modern David will be shown as part of People, Places, Possibilities at the Chicago Cultural Center. In 2016, 22 images from Modern David were included in Masculinity, a group show curated by Exhibition Projects (Chicago) at Freeport Art Museum, Freeport, IL. Scheduled for March 2017 I have a solo exhibition of Modern David at the Robert F. DeCaprio Gallery in Palos Hills, IL, and in July 2017 I have a solo exhibition and book release of my project American Legion at Firecat Projects, Chicago. Recent group exhibitions include Midwest Contemporary at LillStreet Art Center, Chicago, UNBOUND3! at Candela Gallery, Richmond, VA, and Help Us Help You Help Us at Firecat Projects, Chicago.
I am a recipient of a 2016 DCASE Individual Artist Grant from Chicago's Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events, I was shortlisted for the 2015 Lucie Foundation’s A Photo Made Scholarship, a finalist for Photolucida's Critical Mass 2016, named one of the photographers for Best of ASMP 2015, and was a 2016 Sponsored Artist with High Concept Labs (Chicago).
I have been a member of ASMP (American Society of Media Photographers) since 2013, currently serving on the Board of Directors and as acting Treasurer for the Chicago/ Midwest Chapter. As a Chair of the Chapter’s Fine Arts Committee, I organize and execute events and exhibition opportunities for member photographers in the Midwest region.
View more of my work at:
Special thanks
Xander Fisher
MCM Framing
High Concept Labs
Exhibition Projects
Tommy J. Reyes, Jennifer Murray, Tanner Young
Stan Klein
Ashley LeTourneau Photography
Site Design & Branding
Eric Ravenstein